Free, Online & Printable Word Blanks - just like Mad Libs™

We've all played that hilarious party game. With Word Blanks, you can now play the same game online or print them out for free. Create your own personalized libs to play or print.

The Word Blanks community creates new stories every day — choose from thousands of stories, including celebrity, holiday and children's libs! Word Blanks is not associated with Penguin Group (USA) Inc., the publishers of the original Mad Libs™.

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101 Played 

Word Blanks are a great way to learn nouns, verbs, adjectives and other more advanced parts of speech. Word Blanks is used in the classroom as a fun way for teachers to introduce grammar to kids.

All of our 35,000+ libs are printable for free! Automatically print the story onto two pages, the first page asking for the parts of speech, the second page will contain the story with fill in the blanks.