History Mad Word Blanks
If you don't listen to history, it repeats itself. So let's make history fun (and a little inaccurate) so people listen! There are over 600 user-created history stories on Word Blanks!
- Adolf Hitler Mad Libs 595
- Agricultural Advances 543
- Civil War Woman 462
- Civil War Woman 523
- Rebecca Wright 418
- Rebecca Wright 490
- Sarah Rosetta Wakeman 576
- Nancy Hart Douglas 710
- Sarah Rosetta Wakeman 486
- Mary Elizabeth Bowser 546
- Mary Elizabeth Bowser 475
- Mary Touvestre 528
- Mary Touvestre 522
- Civil War Shhhtufff 526
- Belle Boyd 478
- Belle Boyd 463
- Civil War Shhhtufff 521
- Clara Barton 504
- Loreta Janeta Velazquez 497
- Clara Barton 607
- Pauline Cushman 494
- Harriet Tubman 514
- Laura Keene 487
- Rose O'Neal Greenhow 504
- Story of Clara Barton 585
- Elizabeth Blackwell 423
- Elizabeth Blackwell 532
- Our story of Belle Boyd 504
- Story of Mary Edwards Walker 532
- story of Harriet Foote Hawley 489
- story of Harriet Foote Hawley 563
- Olivia Floyd 537
- Olivia Floyd 595
- Rebecca Lee Crumpler 580
- Loreta Velazquez 514
- Story of Pauline Cushman 535
- Charlotte Cushman 557
- Belle Starr 585
- Belle Starr 638
- Hailey and Andrew's Mad Lib 595
- Dorothea Lynde Dix 645
- Emily Blackwell 573
- Emily Blackwell 619
- Judith Carter Henry 560
- Judith Carter Henry 604
- Catherine Beecher 550
- Mary Todd Lincoln 586
- Mary Todd Lincoln 542
- The Story of My Life 624
- Kate The Detective 540