Mystery Mad Word Blanks
These are your kind of stories if you like mystery, but would rather laugh hysterically than solve any kind of problem. There are over 400 user-created mystery stories on Word Blanks!
- mystery hotel 622
- We Say... 603
- The cat 623
- Happy Birthday 644
- Happy Birthday 589
- Marie Thibodeaux 688
- The Cat 599
- The Noise 602
- The maze 602
- The maze 561
- Meet the Boxcar Children 525
- Home Alone 617
- the secret 520
- What Are You Running From, Ostrich? (Adjectives) 691
- Who Goes There?! (Nouns and Adjectives) 693
- Where is Diego? 589
- The Day Caleb Powell Went Missing! 720
- Bookstore 600
- Nightmare at St. Joe's 625
- Long O 583
- Empyr's Scary Mansion 733
- Great Mad Lib Expectations 632
- This Was A Nightmare! 526
- The Mystery of the Dead Man on the Street 571
- Reign Of Terrror 505
- Reign Of Terrror 590
- Xmas mad libs 529
- this is no mystory 552
- the day it hit 549
- The Tesla Files (chapters 1-3) 581
- Dear Muh 512
- Mysterious money made madness 604
- The Camp 485
- The man who loved flowerd 552
- coocoo 522
- Ants in my pocket 503
- The Mystery of the Ants 474
- The Nightmare of the Ants 496
- stuck 656
- Ants In My Pants 523
- stuck 513
- The Mystery of the Earth Shaking 501
- Noir intro 624
- Highway 2 Hell 566
- What Just Happened 489
- Aria and the man in black 516
- THe Very Haunted House 493
- What happened to Connor? 573
- Aria and the man in black 504
- A Scary Sturgeon on the Merrimack! 518