Mad Word Blanks
There are user-created stories on Word Blanks!
- Outstanding Service Delivery 506
- Flying Sausages! 580
- Me dsfasdfsadfsdf 245
- kacy ektoplazm 364
- Mawage, that bwessed awangement (Princess Bride) 298
- Elizabeth's Bridal Shower Help The Bride To Be Write Her Vows 392
- ADventure time test 304
- The Story of Chuck and Lisa 266
- pillow fight 1,392
- A Pleasure Filled Romance 406
- The Wonderful Land of Oz 312
- Leah meets the cow 179
- cates 284
- Blah 531
- A Night Out 380
- Cinderella Short Story 375
- jriuhjrt09 480
- The Grumpy Pencil 551
- MOMS Club Code of Conduct - Part 2 368
- MOMS Club Code of Conduct- Part 3 425
- Your day as a teacher 240
- Spiritual Mind Treatment 525
- Chasing The Sun - The wanted 271
- McTrumpface 616
- Mad Hatter Tea Party 364
- Around the World 308
- How make and keep a friend 366
- school trip 274
- school trip 281
- Candy's 70th 270
- A Day in the Life of SAWP ISI: June 29, 2016 674
- Kathleen and Andrew 367
- The Shower 242
- A little about yourself 211
- Going To Tennessee 463
- Duck 363
- Kortney Does the Thing 219
- Catiline 295
- Tia's Fairy Tale 281
- Fill in the blanks 295
- The Birthday Gift 316
- Frisk's dream of.... a job. 359
- Vacation MadLib 245
- USC Story (Parody of Disneyland) 300
- The End is Nigh 385
- The Wall 242
- Carry On 343
- Believe it or not 325
- Twinkle Twinkle 298