Mad Word Blanks
There are user-created stories on Word Blanks!
- Happy Birthday Emily! 473
- saving a family member 619
- Bus Rides 428
- Your Crazy Day 830
- The Case of the Missing Book 672
- One Direction 824
- MaD Lib - TCAP 511
- The House on the Hill 431
- the mirrer mysery 806
- The Man in Black 627
- The Yellow Cole 413
- When the hen ateTristan 445
- It Could Happen to You 554
- It Could Happen to You 504
- Tomorrow 402
- Weekly Recap 410
- Test 784
- My CRAZY Friend farting in public 440
- My School 473
- A day in the life of Carolyn 424
- A day in the life of Carolyn 407
- school lunches 796
- CBN mad lib 673
- My NBA Career 736
- The sheperd 452
- Killer poop 510
- Who Am I? 862
- the sea iclle 404
- Colbert's Report 471
- sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 468
- The Adventures of Middle C 524
- Wedding Party 366
- Clifford Word Libs 490
- If I Had a Million Rand 473
- A Flight to Remember 435
- A Day For Sex 556
- Adj 437
- Changed Forever - tobyMac 1,202
- Again - Flyleaf 1,005
- Still Here - Superchic[k] 993
- Police, Thieves, and Hostages 563
- fun n the sun 406
- Skillet - Would it Matter 429
- President Obama 1,263
- Wedding Advice 385
- Fanboy Fire Extinguisher 748
- Crazy recipe 743
- ggg 409