Mad Word Blanks
There are user-created stories on Word Blanks!
- Once upon a time 420
- Kitara is finally having baby 353
- Kitara is finally having baby 324
- the flight 281
- Goldilocks and the three bears 347
- happy helpers 446
- the flight 329
- Goldilocks and the three bears 405
- The Man 359
- Wedding Advice for the Happy Couple 249
- girl scouts 343
- celebertys 366
- What really happened? 263
- davids choad penis 482
- my great day 330
- Cindy's 50th Birthday 1,139
- once apon a funny story 455
- Medieval Europe 780
- The tooteiest friday ever 339
- drive to the movies 311
- Cindy's 50th Birthday 942
- A Day In Living Environment 252
- The Great Discovery 363
- Reception 318
- Vacation 248
- The First Date 432
- the iPhone 99/1/2 1,092
- The Break up letter 360
- Anna's day 298
- jimmy 363
- Angie goes to the store 694
- Zack, Maya, & Owen go out! 486
- Marriage Word Lib 380
- The Adventure 312
- My Account Of Life Not On Earth. 678
- Your/My Life 829
- My class 594
- Craziest Story Ever 643
- Brandon 337
- jizz in my pants 354
- My life 324
- For Whom the wedding bells toll 351
- evolution and natural selection 262
- Old Mother Hubbard 329
- Humpty Dumpty 357
- Jack and Jill 335
- As I was going... 389
- There was an old woman... 367