Mad Word Blanks
There are user-created stories on Word Blanks!
- Dealing with Keeling 420
- a day at the zoo 523
- a jungle day 517
- Bumstumbling good times 472
- happy hollidays {agin} 592
- dzsfdfdddddddddddf ggfdgdfgdh 507
- In The Eyes Of Jacob 436
- whale 478
- The funny world 848
- the lama seach 445
- How Kate Became a Super Hero 507
- The devastating surprise 641
- My favorite Holiday Meal 558
- Christmas 596
- The Silly Snowflake 720
- family road trip 609
- Whiskey Lullaby 532
- how to Ollie on a Skateboard 498
- My wonderful family feast 437
- The time my cousin laughed 523
- The time my grandma peed her pants 450
- rat poison peanut butter bread 727
- My drawing 695
- rebecca black friday parody (HALARUIOS) 477
- Stupid Criminal 771
- A very Griswold Thanksgiving Scene 741
- The Turkey That Got Away 597
- Minecraft 1,096
- Thanksgiving Day 609
- the great adventure! 448
- Ruth Plays a Prank 659
- The Snowy Day 734
- My Hero: The Mole Removing Surgeon 445
- I GOTTA FART!!! 476
- the twins! 906
- The Great Senor 457
- A Bunch of Black People 789
- sunday 554
- a sunday kiss 515
- lion time 400
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 889
- Smart Student 450
- Journey to the Circus 1,378
- Rollar skating 732
- Horns to Toes 564
- Sants Clause 582
- SERVICE 1,384