Mad Word Blanks
There are user-created stories on Word Blanks!
- JavaScript Singleton 1,898
- My Lib 990
- KHS Profa Davis P.1 Ashley-Elaine 835
- KHS Profa Davis P1 Madison-Kory <<Un viaje>> 940
- KHS Profa Davis P.1 Iman/Aiden <<Una Viaje>> 884
- Daniel White and Hunter Beirne KHS Davis period 6 1,033
- Conoce una persona famosa 401
- Star Wars Force Awakens Title Crawl 1,336
- Tips for being a wizard 644
- A Penguin's Summer 782
- Oops! 961
- World of Warcraft 862
- Canada Is Cool! 661
- Grouch 550
- Crazy Nightmare 1,316
- A letter from Billy 1,522
- How to carve a pumpkin 388
- New Year's Resolutions [SPEECH] 979
- You and me (but mostly me) 898
- Dear Diary by the Moody Blues 969
- The first day back to school 1,174
- Toying Around Part 2 (Remix) 844
- Mornings with Nana 907
- Cooking with No-ne 1,015
- A Day in New York City 1,560
- Happy Birthday 878
- A change around in the Jungle 908
- the very stupid robber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1,535
- Taylor Swift jump then fall 1,802
- wtf wow 2,112
- The wierd cold 1,137
- 'Yo Momma 2,880
- Roller Coaster Scared 1,744
- In my pants 2,406
- O.M.G. 3,885
- The Adventures of Dr.Xavier 1,442
- Calorie-Burning Activities 2,050
- mad mix up 1,645
- A day at my house. 1,578
- random saying stuff 1,272
- Fridge Cleanout Day 2,725
- Pineapple 1,924
- lesbians 4,411
- the dumbest word lib ever! (be sure to show your friends) 1,861
- My School 1,772
- the song about the restroom 1,625
- A Boy's Pet 2,165
- The nerdy blank 1,459
- Singers Sing there songs as long as they have lyrics to the song 1,273