Mad Word Blanks
There are user-created stories on Word Blanks!
- Long but funny 1,287
- The Killing Raper In The Closet 2,194
- Jingle bells 2,445
- twinkle 1,084
- Phantom of the Opera, unmasking 1,666
- Windmills 960
- Person 1 1,073
- The house 1,134
- Nightmare - Avenged Sevenfold 1,276
- Yankee and Doodle 1,307
- The Adventure, Chapter One 1,080
- Test 1,421
- The Bug from Achoo 862
- Happy Mother's Day 1,005
- Angry Birds 1,226
- I NEED A BOY FREIND!!!!!! 1,402
- Ben 10 625
- sex on thebeach 1,113
- Cub Scout Invite 1,117
- Baseball 1,646
- The Day I Became a Clown 714
- Fun at School 803
- Fry to the Future 621
- Life Lessons 589
- My Alien Friend 962
- Date Night 697
- The Worst School Day in the History of Worst School Days 1,059
- Ps. I love you 973
- The Birthday Party 1,116
- Rumpelstiltskin 1,558
- 22 - Taylor Swift 3,940
- The Shoudice Live 794
- Twisted Classic Wrestling Card 208
- Basically a normal Tuesday 523
- Retro 612
- Bird Store 490
- Star Wars Word crawl 1 691
- How to make sandwich 955
- Scientists Replace Stale Old Theory with Rousing New One 962
- Jimmmmmmy. 684
- Halloween Mad Lib 2,552
- Dear Mr. President 1,200
- Jingle Bells 1,292
- A Landfill Christmas 949
- A Day At The Beach 1,459
- Pretty Princess Sleepover 804
- something 704
- anitas house 1,769