Mad Word Blanks
There are user-created stories on Word Blanks!
- The day I saved someone 663
- Catcher in the Rye 402
- Catcher in the Rye 2 480
- If You Could Go Anywhere, Where Would You Go? 260
- Bear Goes Clothes Shopping 244
- Where's Money's Hat? 234
- The UFO Sighting 505
- Personal Intro Mad Lib 500
- What's Your Favorite? 351
- The Shire 343
- The Shire 287
- Perceps 423
- A Funny Story 308
- Job Application 325
- The Ant Story 189
- The Ant Story 170
- Psychotic Kittens 294
- The Miller's Daughter 179
- The Miller's Daughter 216
- Let's get some history learning going 274
- Let's get some history learning going 277
- Mickey's Forbidden Love 226
- Goodbye! 424
- How to Wear a Full Body Harness 338
- The Flowers 310
- Mad Libs Constitution 1,796
- Love 481
- Mindy's Birth Story 377
- Bootcamp 382
- Once upon a time... 155
- A terrible pizza-tale 151
- A Night at Greg's 420
- Gred and Forge 208
- try 366
- Oh the Places You'll Swim 383
- A Night at Greg's 362
- Blueberry Chocolate Cake 276
- Our vacation 250
- The Great Escape 257
- December BBQ 403
- moral 327
- Test Story 359
- Vacation 391
- The sad date 374
- A Sad Date 362
- This Holiday Season 616
- Rachel Lafond - An Introspective 379
- Mr. Smith 270
- Mr.Smith 242