Romance Mad Word Blanks
Romance becomes romantic comedy (or just plain comedy) in this Word Blanks category. There are over 2k user-created romance stories on Word Blanks!
- My Wedding Day! 47,617
- My Awkward Date 13,200
- Dating Ads in the Newspaper! 32,393
- The Guys I Have Dated 26,758
- My Ideal Dream Man 31,253
- How to score a date 14,360
- The Awkward Date 129,942
- The Dating Game Show 6,270
- The Double Date 10,997
- My Summer Romance 12,217
- A Letter to my Bride 61,446
- A Love Poem 15,977
- Taylor Swift- Love Story [full song] 43,241
- Call from the wedding planner 9,967
- Robert Pattinson - Never Think 7,351
- How I Met My Wife 44,244
- Back cover from Twilight 17,791
- wedding 3,499
- The Wedding 5,478
- Wedding Advice for the Happy Couple! 10,115
- To the Bride and Groom 3,929
- MAD VOWS 5,154
- My Test One - by Mr. Farnsworth 2,158
- Wedding Script 3,780
- Why not.. 3,679
- How Matt Proposed 4,074
- First Dance 3,205
- A Love Made in Heaven 3,648
- cheeweeew 2,448
- 12 Rules for Dating the Best Friend 3,777
- Ex friend forever 2,122
- Dear john letter 2,652
- My Secret Admirer 4,406
- Christmas at the Chatsfield 1,619
- Twitterpated (Bambi) 1,653
- Runaway Bride Proposal 3,358
- I can get used to this 2,400
- Makeup Artist 1,355
- New songs for Valentine's day 1,686
- Titanic (from what i remember) 2,415
- How to make a love potion 1,882
- Dear Boyfriend - A Letter of Appreciation & Love 1,980
- Dear Boyfriend - another love letter 1,311
- What i am looking for 1,182
- How to make marriage last 1,718
- Never ask on a first date 1,168
- This reminds me of you 914
- Dear Diary, my most romantic first date ever. 728
- Yes 629
- My 90 Day Fiance Story 66