Science-Fiction Mad Word Blanks
Star Wars, Starship Troopers, Star Trek or really anything with the word "star" in it belongs here. There are over 300 user-created science-fiction stories on Word Blanks!
- Fahrenheit 451 728
- The Hospital of _______ 664
- My Superhero Story 808
- The UFO Sighting 514
- Creation Mad Lib 474
- A Declaration 485
- Item 28. B 499
- Item 28. B 499
- Quote 507
- Country Mad Libs 518
- Star Wars IV - A New Hope 601
- Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 625
- Return of the Jedi 561
- Attack on Titan - by Yim and James 830
- Every Star Wars movie 584
- The Pie Eating Contest 429
- move to space 513
- A Day Being a Fury Fighter 376
- A Day Being a Fury Fighter 417
- The Convention Report 427
- Starship Troopers 417
- Fishy Business 387
- G-Man's Speech Half-Life 2 421
- The Best Jedi 449
- When I went To syria 419
- Regen 526
- Create Your Own Science Fiction Short Story! 383
- The Blank Fish 369
- SciFi 428
- G.O.A.T. 442
- Consulting 401
- Consulting 391
- Witcher 3: Ghouls 421
- Disaster Whaaa Unit? 373
- LMA Mission Statement 369
- Jurassic Park 444
- fortitude 355
- Protector Title 367
- I'm leabin the gronp 381
- UAA's Mad Mission 342
- Locked in the Classroom 358
- Star Wars Word crawl 4 433
- Star Wars Word crawl 6 434
- Molly's Adventure in Space 361
- A steven Moffat Story (Dr. Who 369
- Union College Mission Statement 343
- Star Wars Word crawl 8 360
- A Day at the Library 362