Adventure Mad Word Blanks
Like choose your own adventure, except you pick the actual words. There are over 2k user-created adventure stories on Word Blanks!
- Merry Christmas from the Bone-Hosheit fam! 459
- A Minecraft Short Story 480
- Who am I? 480
- My North Carolina Adventure 379
- Santa 480
- Christmas MadLib 513
- Adventures of Sammy 480
- Wedding 641
- The magic mouse hole 457
- Reaffirmation 483
- Reaffirmation 462
- My Day at the Dinosaur Museum 448
- I love call of duty black ops! 492
- THe magical Story Of (Input Your Name Here) 520
- The Weeaboo 524
- The Weeaboo 473
- Food Delivery 381
- Fishing 558
- To giggle, or not to giggle, THAT is the question! 499
- Excercise 517
- My crazy addiction 566
- Flying We Will Go! 450
- The Adventures of 505 440
- MY MOM 412
- My MON 409
- Mrs. Hasler's Birthday 424
- Dog in The Woods 460
- My Adventure 472
- The Rainbow Tiger Snowboarder 375
- Skyward Bound-The Whut Edition 447
- Beauty and the Beast 630
- Going to the Movies 492
- island 465
- aslfkjh 459
- You are awesome 547
- The Old Salt's Tale 471
- The King and I 490
- Gacy's Mad Libs 427
- Mall Craze 477
- Mall Craze 457
- dfghjkl 439
- A Fairy Tale 641
- A Story 471
- Date Night 505
- Headlines for 1/22/13 436
- Going on a holiday 453
- Bill Cosby's Adventure 447
- Bill Cosby's Adventure 449
- On A Date 455