Adventure Mad Word Blanks
Like choose your own adventure, except you pick the actual words. There are over 2k user-created adventure stories on Word Blanks!
- CAT ATACK part 1 302
- the big the bad and the gay 586
- How to make toast 307
- Re-writing Shakespeare 397
- Road Trip To Las Vas 241
- pldngo 308
- I Hate That Monkey! 294
- Angelica 568
- The girl and The pole 327
- Syrena 608
- A Visit to Canada 298
- the dog 316
- Ms. O and Mrs. Pugh to the Rescue 249
- Nathan & Alex's Engagement 345
- Harry Styles 982
- The Day The Toilet 682
- The Car Accident 508
- What in the world is that!?!? 831
- stinky chesse 667
- HAHA 379
- What I found today... 734
- The Story of our Move to The City 505
- The Great Turtle Hunt 423
- The Day Care Instructor 557
- Day Car Insrctor 2 544
- One Four Eight 448
- The Easter egg 401
- passover story 625
- A Trip Around the World 395
- Star Wars 502
- A Trip Around the World 442
- finding bigfoot's little brother 420
- The Tale of a Knight 386
- Finding Bigfoot's Little Brother Jack 413
- Finding Bigfoots Little Brother 367
- The Lost City 400
- The Pond 412
- Where are we going 440
- Straw Wars 425
- Timmy's Picnic 454
- saving a family member 623
- Tomorrow 408
- Weekly Recap 413
- A day in the life of Carolyn 429
- A day in the life of Carolyn 410
- The Adventures of Middle C 526
- If I Had a Million Rand 476
- Carl the Llama 473
- cuento 477
- Summer 427