Animal Mad Word Blanks
Animals stories can be hilarious when you drop random words in them. There are over a thousand user-created animal stories on Word Blanks!
- The Dancing Pets. 304
- Bella The Hero 359
- the animal shelter 355
- Snakes 355
- Snakes! 437
- Bella Gets a Home 291
- Bella Gets a Home 301
- puppies 334
- My Pet Bearded Dragon 515
- At the Zoo 338
- Feror 287
- The Cheetah 332
- Crocodile Pond 307
- Alyvia Simonds~Mad Lib 382
- my new pet animal! 290
- Advertisement for a pet shop 311
- I want a Puppy 301
- Bella and Bobby 415
- Bella and Bobby 361
- dfghjkl;' 734
- Madison Huller-MadLib 690
- Maria Hilbert-Mad lib 825
- spelling words 365
- The Owl 318
- Dog 475
- the dog ran away and came back 343
- my dog ran away and then came back 348
- taking care of your pet 309
- The Animal saves the princess 341
- A day at the zoo 386
- A day at the zoo 485
- pandas 346
- F=farm 332
- Calli's Horse Farm 408
- Calli's Horse Farm 452
- ANIMAL 536
- The Poley's 417
- Fat Cat 365
- an animal and his friend 426
- Joey and the Rabbit 426
- The Amazing Pets 394
- The Amazing Pets 374
- Periwinkles 318
- School is Not a Zoo! 334
- Enzo and Twinkie 358
- Horses 572
- My day at the zoo 347
- Dinosaur Train 366
- Turtle 398
- Pony Express 651