Comedy Mad Word Blanks
Just when you though your favorite sketches and comedies couldn't be any funnier... There are over 2k user-created comedy stories on Word Blanks!
- soccer 298
- Futurama 346
- Genesis 24:10-21 - Abraham's servant finds a wife for his son. 476
- Thanksgiving 365
- thanksgiving 352
- Our unique Lunch Table 342
- A Day at the Beach 442
- he of he 358
- My Life 331
- Cheers Theme Song Mad Lib 395
- Cramps 280
- Christmas letter 333
- MAD LIB " A Christmas Story" 445
- Holidays 294
- Homework 341
- Park 300
- A year in the Life 259
- dog 241
- Jim Baggins 224
- Sam 315
- Sam 303
- This is a practice mad lib 277
- Secret Santa Mad Lib 918
- Jingle bells 301
- O Christmas tree 359
- The McClure's 2014 Christmas Puzzle 285
- The Ethan 267
- Paint lines and Trolley fairs 271
- Who is at the door? 288
- A Lady who teaches English 278
- A lady who teaches english 277
- The Worst Talent Show Ever 345
- Worst day ever! 357
- Pet Show 261
- The Beach 234
- A dog poop 250
- A dog poop 240
- My roten 270
- Hiking 281
- A First Time for Everything 274
- High 259
- High 257
- To be hairy or to not be hairy! 263
- Friday Madness 251
- #YOLO 378
- #minecraft 384
- Super Hero 300
- House Captain speech 277