Comedy Mad Word Blanks
Just when you though your favorite sketches and comedies couldn't be any funnier... There are over 2k user-created comedy stories on Word Blanks!
- Party at C.A.R.E. 276
- The Lovely Bones 305
- hi the big chiken 352
- The cat 300
- Karen's Birth story 283
- Opening Day! 300
- Peanut Butter!No Jam! Song 393
- Rob's 40th Birthday 331
- Freddy Goes To Taco Bell 301
- Meagan and Payton 327
- EMT Medical Assessment 493
- CAMP 327
- the vampire and the sad elephant 288
- the vampire and the sad elephant 312
- Crazy Christmas 317
- Minecraft [SHORT] 482
- Because I could not stop for Death 327
- piping plover mad libs 272
- piping plover mad libs 332
- The Magic Man Chapter 1 342
- Can We Go Home Now? 317
- let it pigishness 376
- Parked Car on Sandwich 242
- The Sickness Love For Jillian And WROST DAY 384
- worst day ever 332
- TMM chap 5 401
- Camping Adventure by the Fireside 356
- Dear [graduates name], 326
- Rack 342
- Princess Daniel 420
- Myla's Bat-Mitzvah 383
- How to Impress a Girl 402
- Family Time 324
- Outdoor Adventure Camp 376
- my Parents Cuss to Much 518
- Training Ice-Breaker Game 348
- Training Ice-Breaker Game 327
- ACH Customer Service 423
- ACH Customer Service 357
- The Pee Little Thrigs 408
- An Agent's Crazy Day! 291
- Proverbs 22:24-25 375
- I Learned 341
- I Learned 324
- My First Day 309
- How to get a date 385
- A love made 385
- A match made in couch surfing 364
- Adventures with Dax 521
- Girls Side 405