Comedy Mad Word Blanks
Just when you though your favorite sketches and comedies couldn't be any funnier... There are over 2k user-created comedy stories on Word Blanks!
- Russians are a Good Combination with Pecan Pie 181
- You cant go skating in a buffalo herd 270
- You cant go skating in a buffalo herd 275
- Graduation speech 275
- Graduation speech 323
- The News 237
- ha ha ha 236
- Madlib 277
- Concerning Deephers 206
- Meredith the Miraculous 190
- Pirates 277
- Helen Keller's Secret Talent 228
- SaB 213
- Sharing Retirement Advice 596
- At the cafeteria 237
- The New Teacher 352
- Vocab Mad Lib 244
- Vocab Mad Lib 220
- the big gam 236
- Happy Mother's Day! 233
- Mothers Day! 244
- When I grow up 228
- fun title here 241
- Top 10 Homework Excuses 272
- A weird Story 214
- ranger 242
- South Park's The story of South Park's The stick of truth 257
- ugly pigs 328
- The Wish 332
- The ultimate film 319
- The ultimate film 297
- adex 307
- The Library 307
- The Dentist 298
- Shelby McCullough 346
- Laura Keene 315
- Fanny Palmer 289
- Charlotte Ray 295
- For the Wedding Couple!! 339
- The Great White Horse 321
- Muhaha 307
- Evan & Teresa's Love Quest 285
- My dog 392
- lions and _____ 319
- Lyromat Lives 460
- Gabby goes to college 291
- Strawberry Shortcake Live 349
- The Pschyco 334