Comedy Mad Word Blanks
Just when you though your favorite sketches and comedies couldn't be any funnier... There are over 2k user-created comedy stories on Word Blanks!
- the happy moment 404
- Vampire to human 477
- Someones last wish.. 503
- Glee Word Libs 1,634
- Nutty's Story 714
- bang bang 523
- buck tooth vile + selena gomez and j b 529
- Fable #2 525
- The Elementry School 497
- Wedding 529
- Room 1 473
- savannas mom. 404
- The awesome Marisa 425
- Crazy Katie 365
- Aj the reader 449
- Aj the reader 414
- The wierd Ryan Nelson owe loves Batman 500
- Best class ever 449
- Prom 479
- The Best Teacher In the World 352
- The Best Teacher in the World 413
- E Bday 420
- A letter from Camp 519
- Hey soul sister (Remix) 470
- advice 425
- How we met 490
- work 857
- Achmeds Death Day 444
- teeheehee 414
- Letter Home From Camp 362
- Camp Hero 405
- Blah blah blah 406
- This is funny (not to asians) 424
- all you mexicans, are belong to us 444
- New Orleans Mission 447
- prom 425
- Eternal Sunshine 446
- The Last Day of School 419
- the school year 378
- The Last Day of School 428
- The Lemonade Stand 435
- the first day of school 471
- Captain Kim's Cake 408
- you love me 576
- the big pie 440
- The Great Monkey Story 485
- Flowers 612
- life as a dog 477
- RSVP 753