Comedy Mad Word Blanks
Just when you though your favorite sketches and comedies couldn't be any funnier... There are over 2k user-created comedy stories on Word Blanks!
- Wheel of dis-fortune 989
- The Grumpy Old Man 1,658
- zach 1,235
- the stupid parents who thought their son was a dog PT2 1,057
- 9 insults 1,315
- akjk;aioe 942
- Krazy monkey 1,296
- The really big argument 1,175
- hey waz up 1,252
- La La Land 946
- The Day I Became a Clown 730
- Life Lessons 601
- Date Night 713
- Jimmmmmmy. 696
- just a zambie(song) remix from you belong with me 963
- The Dummy 1,056
- Angry Video Game Nerd 1,485
- Funny 1,315
- Glamour Puss 742
- Can We Go Home Now? 6,450
- worst day ever 689
- Remember when.....? 699
- RHA word lib 768
- The Weirdo - Astrid 682
- The three friends 759
- the monkey 689
- fdsfsd 707
- Love Comedy 751
- the killing boy aiden 589
- The Sleepover 1,610
- Comedy 1,105
- exotic fruits 661
- a girl who likes girls 631
- Android on the loose 297
- Cat, Dog, and Potato 491
- The Chicken Nugget Loving Pug 501
- aaqsfgjkl 671
- How i met your Father 497
- How i met your Father 529
- No longer Good to Know... 513
- playing with mock 462
- playing with mock 488
- Christina Kohorst: Stupid 499
- For Shira 534
- My Crazy Summer! 521
- Triangles 590
- i walked to the park with my dog 518
- Messy Room by Shel Silverstein 470
- How to get grounded by your parents 519
- A Day With Mom 517