Comedy Mad Word Blanks
Just when you though your favorite sketches and comedies couldn't be any funnier... There are over 2k user-created comedy stories on Word Blanks!
- Harry Potter - Howler (Movie Version) 363
- Harry Potter - Howler (Book Version) 412
- "Slavery is cool" -god 310
- Marriage Advice For The Happy Couple 263
- Como escondadsfasdfer el cuerpo... 249
- Violence of Action 390
- Restaurant Review 283
- Product Description #1 269
- Advice for Tori on her Wedding Night 260
- How to Hack a computer 256
- The Three Little Pigs: The Aftermath 251
- interrogation 264
- Ways to Sit on a Toilet and Wipe 283
- A letter from Mars 251
- DECA Middle Fun 250
- Work out story 255
- My Friend's Birthday 293
- Mission Statemet 255
- Mad libs 248
- Annie gets farked 250
- Go berserk 283
- 262
- This is an example. 240
- Caleb 456
- Riley Lemin 561
- Keller's Word Blank 264
- Donovan Williams 484
- the thing 500
- Thomas Spell 257
- Ortiz, Christopher 267
- Braking Distance 280
- Our Purpose 268
- The Autistic Encounter 627
- A very bad desion 252
- School 293
- R&M Copypasta 1,724
- Assnappers 255
- Advice for Rudy & Suzan on their Anniversary 268
- Trial #1 251
- Holiday Mad Libs Theatre 259
- Welcome to Panera 256
- Just Another Day at the Neenah-Menasha YMCA 255
- Happy 40th Birthday Nuan! 244
- Jude's Birthday 242
- Shia LaBeouf's Sneaky Surprise 339
- Mom-Libs 264
- Bronx After School 254
- Ragnar the Red 239
- Awkward Saga Date 261
- The Best Day of My Life 243