Humor Mad Word Blanks
Make classic humor articles even funnier by changing the nouns, verbs and adjectives. There are over 2k user-created humor stories on Word Blanks!
- SAGE Seminar Advice for First-Years 371
- SAGE Seminar Advice for First-Years 380
- dream home 395
- WED-LIBS The First Date 408
- Rocking Night 363
- The First Day of School 338
- sharks 429
- ASDF 449
- Life of an OTS 360
- Piper and I 453
- Random 333
- A Maine Tall Tale 296
- A Nightmare on 59th Street 356
- Thor 355
- How Thor Sleeps 319
- Elly's madlib 336
- Browning Mounted Ball Bearings 318
- TACLibs 312
- Humor 334
- Please Don't tread On my Cheeseburger Lyrics, BUT MAD LIBBED! 458
- Student Council during homecoming 317
- Student Council during homecoming 271
- Hole in One 402
- How They Met 367
- Mystery of the Lost Spelling Words 323
- The Reign Of Terror 377
- Franny 313
- lol thanksgiving 441
- The Supermarket 392
- The Pencil... 339
- Merry Christmas! 343
- Merry Christmas Mad Lib from Kurt and Estee 338
- Swamp Day 1 340
- Testing, Testing 318
- Marks, Thomas Christmas Party 2015 342
- Movie Trailer 541
- SpiritedWolfe's Secret Santa Mad Lib 2015 368
- The Crazy Family 345
- I'm so sad 'Ask Us Online' is closing! 320
- I'm so sad 'Ask Us Online' is closing! 316
- Cal Band 371
- Bubby's Birthday 356
- Bubby's Birthday 320
- Potato Chips Ran Away... 742
- Sick Note 339
- The Meeting [TF2] 406
- Operation [TF2] 381
- Oh Canada 349
- Oh Canada 428