Humor Mad Word Blanks
Make classic humor articles even funnier by changing the nouns, verbs and adjectives. There are over 2k user-created humor stories on Word Blanks!
- Poo 474
- Kick-Butt And Kiss! 412
- The people of Worthing Youth Theatre 390
- How to make your teacher mad 489
- Billy's Summer of Love 417
- Home alone 424
- Home alone 420
- The boy, the witch, and the girlfriend 403
- The boy, the witch, and the girlfriend 488
- Academic Progress Monitoring 418
- A Night at the Monster Mash 453
- Turtle 445
- donald trump 534
- Digital Storytelling 388
- Digital Storytelling 410
- The Avengers 503
- Letter to Professor 461
- Single 499
- The First Thanksgiving 508
- dumb and dumber 443
- The Man and the Creature 440
- Trouble at the Zoo BBC News 522
- people 448
- Spongebob's Son 532
- A measly Girl 439
- The Odd Haunted House 469
- The Odd Haunted House 438
- HCDE 322 442
- HCDE 322 440
- Pole Problem #4 419
- Crappy coverage or no? 402
- A Day in the Life Of Mrs. Eaton's Skills Class 410
- The Snowball 447
- J Cole 368
- J Cole 391
- Patient Access 457
- WAIT WHAT (Part one) 425
- Xmas 537
- Grocery List 713
- The Worst Birthday Ever 680
- Christmas Dinner Gone Wrong 716
- LSDP 420
- crazy day 456
- Bride-to-be Edition 497
- LET IT ????? 484
- HOW ???? CAN I BE???? 453
- Who Am I? 480
- my first word blank 449
- The Frazier Wedding 418
- apply for a job 432