Mad Word Blanks
There are user-created stories on Word Blanks!
- Princesses 369
- A Strange Alien Trip 736
- Monstropolis 384
- All because the Bacon 638
- My Dog Cori 369
- The Game 457
- John's Dream 752
- My Volleyball Game 593
- Jose Garcia 349
- Jose Garcia 372
- Francis's Weird Day 719
- SLIME!!!!! 804
- On Patrol 372
- Average Days 629
- My Volleyball Game 584
- My rainbow Unicorn 787
- The Creature from Space 483
- OTS-Libs 498
- dogs 401
- A Day in the Life 354
- The Man On The Moon 300
- bring me to life- Evanescence 459
- COPS 407
- Mystic animals 403
- Call of duty black ops 2 395
- The Alien Apocalypse 325
- Growing (Noun)s 333
- (Verb) 419
- The Doctor 791
- sonic in gensokyo 424
- sonic in gensokyo 338
- Tale of the Goldfinch 389
- My Dog Rayfe 670
- a day at m2 509
- Day In M2 449
- Day In M2 486
- A Day At M2 423
- A Day At M2 842
- A Day At M2 332
- A Day At m2 836
- A Day At M2 373
- Last Night 389
- abducted by aliens! 354
- A Happy Day 409
- Adventure Time 710
- Language and Culture 371
- Star Trek Mashup 414
- Columbus Day 645