Mad Word Blanks
There are user-created stories on Word Blanks!
- The Nonsense Address 373
- Minceraft 385
- lanna 350
- Sun City Girls - Uncle Jim (1983) 346
- Sun City Girls - X+Y= *beep* You (1994) 257
- My youth 535
- The Mysterious Jelly 572
- The Water 338
- The Water 305
- Ants 333
- Ants in my pocket 506
- McFamilyTree 489
- Family Box 292
- as;ldkfj 314
- The power of ants 450
- The Mystery of the Ants 476
- Hungry Ants 312
- ants 440
- ants in your pants 501
- Ants 359
- Ants in my Pants 498
- The Six 436
- The Nightmare of the Ants 498
- stuck 658
- Cannibalistic Ants 690
- Ants In My Pants 525
- McFamilyTree 492
- stuck 515
- How They Met-Sara and Max 363
- The Falling Earth 446
- End of the world 467
- summer 546
- End of the world 479
- The Mystery of the Earth Shaking 503
- The Pit 475
- No Ground 468
- Wed Lib 474
- My Youtube Account 399
- Dancing Bean 493
- Is this a word blank? 505
- The Evil Cabbage Plant 585
- tamed 455
- the opposite of wildnerness 403
- everyone 368
- Written excerpts 493
- TIEE Story (Robert Rodriguez Parody) 386
- Life in Lakeland 457
- Lunchtime for Danielion 359