Comedy Mad Word Blanks
Just when you though your favorite sketches and comedies couldn't be any funnier... There are over 2k user-created comedy stories on Word Blanks!
- ms laurens class 380
- day with grandpa 698
- A Very Cheesy Man 414
- A Very (adjective) Man 372
- Dad Libs 407
- Louise Test 372
- All's Well That End's Well: Parolles' Virginity Speech 527
- rolling in thedeep 341
- You Can't Take It With You Part 2 421
- marquis not ugly after all 369
- Team USA 500
- Team USA 551
- stuff 463
- Once upon a time... 443
- The Chinese Lama Farm 351
- Lavender 372
- Zach the Monkey 445
- CRAZY 344
- Camilla's Mad Lib 342
- The amazing adventure of Charles 373
- Our Trip To The Fair 316
- Fresh Fest Fun - 2013 304
- testing this out 321
- Our Trip to the Fair 298
- Our Trip to the Fair 313
- Best Quote Award! 306
- American in paris 306
- open family season 284
- a trip to a restaurant 285
- a trip to a restaurant 276
- My trip to Romania 327
- The shmoo person 302
- Weird holidays. 308
- The mountin 328
- Frank the fat and ugly man 293
- The soccer game 306
- Brian and Kristine 318
- Stood wow 339
- Canada's Wonderland 272
- The coin 359
- Story Of Our Life ! 377
- Rarity 371
- A Day in Castilleja 383
- First Day of Class 345
- Help Jenn Write Her Vows 328
- fun word puzzle 317
- Spamalot 362
- Shopping Trip with Friends 378