Comedy Mad Word Blanks
Just when you though your favorite sketches and comedies couldn't be any funnier... There are over 2k user-created comedy stories on Word Blanks!
- interesting story 397
- Believe or Not 387
- The horrible and itchy weekend 268
- Timmy's Birthday 304
- Rasec Aicrag 338
- Butter 333
- Discipline Letter 389
- Facebook Post 342
- Facebook Post 302
- Speaking Presentation Gone Wrong 309
- My day in Kutztown 327
- yogert face cream 491
- A Day in the Life of Me 329
- Dear diary wordblank 515
- The Man On The Moon 310
- The Alien Apocalypse 335
- Growing (Noun)s 343
- abducted by aliens! 364
- Language and Culture 382
- Jack and Jill 418
- Butter majestic Butter Butter 342
- Joe Bashing Mad Lib 319
- Joe Bashing Mad Lib 384
- My weird life 368
- a funny day 352
- Hosting a Thanksgiving Meal 401
- On May's Special Day... 330
- Modern Fantasy 336
- Modern Fantasy 335
- Stephen Fry 328
- Stephen Fry 356
- Hot Dog! My First Kiss 366
- How to Study 351
- A Principal for a week.... 380
- Testing & Checking & Football 390
- Band Romance 327
- Customer Care 369
- The Wanted Reindeer Secert Diary 309
- Best Friends 475
- Sam and Cat theme song lyrics 643
- The haunted hathaways theme song 516
- Dear Apple Care 367
- My kids halloween candy! 400
- RAoA Adventures of the Scary Thing 445
- Camp Letter 317
- Super Walmart Grand Opening in La Grange 355
- at the movies 405
- The best story ever. 381
- Franklin Mad Libs 323
- I have a pretty exciting life 388